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Wag & mag!

Happy new year one and all, tight lines for 2017. My first session of the year was on 7 January on the Trent & Mersey Canal at Willington. I fished a waggler with my Redmayne & Todd cane rod and Ambidex 2 reel. It was quite a mild day, around 9 degrees with hardly any wind and after a slow start the Perch started feeding on maggots and worms over maggots and hemp free offerings. I also slipped my landing net under several Bream and a small Chub during a pleasant session, with just a few passing boats and lots of walkers, no doubt getting some New Year's exercise. One passer by asked 'Is that an Ambidex reel?'. I told the elderly chap it's an Ambidex 2, probably early 1960s and he was pleasantly surprised to see someone using an old reel. He told me he was 70 years old and his father bought him an original Ambidex reel when he was 11 for 25 shillings! He went on to tell me he used the reel on the river with a 13 foot Redditch cane rod and we chatted for a while about old tackle and how there are still plenty of people who appreciate and use old rods and reels.

A small Chub from the cut

On the 16 January I went to Mill Dam for my first session there in a long time, cautiously optimistic of a few silvers. I had planned to get some footage for a video which is one of my 'targets' for 2017. However, the weather was horrible drizzly rain and a dank 6 degrees, the fish were hook shy and I only managed a hook pull from what felt like a Bream! Maybe next time I'll get to do some filming and the fish won't be hook or camera shy.

It's been a long January and definitely lacking in the fishing department due to work and some frosty nights and days . Hopefully February will be more giving and allow me some time on the bank. Below is a video I've put together during those frosty January evenings, including many of the old reels I've had and still enjoy using.

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