A very mild Christmas
On 7 December I was back at Mill Dam for a few hours in the afternoon and lost a few of what I think were Bream, another day at Mill Dam when the fish just weren’t interested, next time they might be jumping on my hook! There is some building work taking place nearby and some branches which had come down in the recent heavy winds were being cut up with a chainsaw, so it was very noisy.
On 14 December back on the canal at Willington in very mild conditions for this time of year, 9 degrees. I had a nice mixed bag of Perch, Bream, Gudgeon and Ruffe.
The 21 December was a very windy day at Willington and I nearly lost my umbrella twice! But I caught my first canal Chub, just a small one and also plenty of Perch, all on worm.
After too much turkey and sitting inside, on 28 December I went to Willington on a nice calm afternoon and landed four Bream and several Perch.